Focus on food safety|Japan Tosen Co., Ltd.,

Focus on food safety

Focus on food safety


The first ISO-certified pickles manufacturer in China to achieve plant facilities of an international standard!

Having made efforts to ensure the reliable provision of quality products for overseas customers, our plant was awarded ISO 9002 certification (currently ISO 9001) by the International Organization for Standardization in 2000 as the first pickles manufacturer in China and the second company in the entire pickles industry. The facilities have proactively introduced Japanese technology to maintain the international-standard level.

Focus on food safety

Focus on food safety

Focus on food safety

Click here for our rigid standards and management

Pursuit of product safety through Green Food Grade A certification

Our fields have obtained Green Food Grade A certification, which the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of China (the counterpart to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Japan) has accredited for specially cultivated agricultural products. That is why we can obtain agricultural products that you can consume without anxiety from the soil in China, where people face such issues as residual pesticides.

Traceability began in 1999
Dongbao White Gari obtained Green Food Grade A certification in 2003. This certification is still maintained.

Click here for product information

Integrated production starting with fertilizer production

We run and manage a farm in Dongbao with an area of 1,180,000 tsubo or about 963.9 acres, where our homemade organic full-ripe fertilizers are applied to fields according to the soil.
In addition, the repeated quality improvement of crops has led to the prevention of diseases in crops and the production of more nutritious crops that are expected to function as Chinese herbs as a result.
The most advanced innovations have been introduced into the preparation of the optimal soft soil for growing ginger and crop quality improvement.

About compost

We make compost from the dung of farmed pigs with total temperature control.
Pig excrement is said to be more effective for fertilization and more sustainable than that of cows.

About compost

About compost

Click here for details of environmental consideration.